How I unconsiously was prepared for the Pandemic


Always be ready for the unexpected

- Oscar Wilde





The recent pandemic has affected so many people around the world independent of any characteristics like age, creed, gender, race etc. Add to that various institutions our company’s hospitals, even our governments

What is astounding about the whole thing is the level of unpreparedness.  I just read the story of someone working as a delivery driver in his 50s who previously had a white collared job before he ran his own business that failed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.  And I was wondering why were so many people so unprepared. I know there has to be some element of bad luck involved, for instance if you had a newly formed business before the pandemic, you were bound to be hit unless say you were manufacturing face mask for example.

As for me affected some of my financial investments which have to some extent bounced back, but by and large I have not been seriously impacted by Covid-19 apart from being able to travel, for obvious reasons of course. And hampered my possibility of finding a second home country. Something I have been considering since Brexit.

You see I have always been someone who saved for a rainy day. An expression that I think is lacking in these days of Credit card and pay by phone spending.

However, it wasn’t that someone constantly instilled that expression in my head it was something that I had to adapt to because of life experiences. I had to learn the hard way, a school of hard knocks say to speak. I experienced a situation whereby a family tragedy could impact your standard of living dramatically at a young age. Hence I learnt that having some form of financial security irrespective of having a job or not is very important.


I am sure there are others out there like me who probably never went through the same experience I had but still saved for a rainy day. But I’ll have to end this on the fact just before the pandemic, I lost a lot of money sketchy company on financial investments. Only to retrieve it back just before the pandemic hit.